Shop Smart
When is Asparagus in Season?

By Tricia Kucinski
July 11, 2024
When asparagus is in season really determines how much you will enjoy it. One month’s buttery sweetness can be another month’s grassy bitterness. Asparagus season starts roughly at the end of February and goes through June, but peak months are April and May.
Interestingly enough, the largest sales spikes of asparagus are in March through April, with a smaller sales increase from October to December. Asparagus also sees a cost uptick from May to September, and again from January through February.
Getting ready to do your weekly grocery shopping? Let Fetch help you plan your grocery list so you can always be sure to take advantage of offers and earn rewards on the purchases you’re already making.
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Turn your produce into points & earn rewards with Fetch Shop
You’re already adding fresh produce to your grocery list each week, so why not get something in return for choosing to eat healthy? With Fetch Shop, you’ll earn points per dollar on the purchases you make at select stores when placing your order through the app, which means the more fruit and veggies you add to your list, the more rewards you’ll earn. Whether you’re scheduling a grocery pickup at Target using their Drive Up service or stocking up for a big get-together shopping online at Sam’s Club, you can turn your produce into Fetch points that can be redeemed for free gift cards when grocery shopping with Fetch Shop.
To earn rewards on fresh produce with Fetch Shop:
- Download Fetch.
- Open the app, and navigate to Fetch Shop; on your “Discover” (home) tab, you’ll find the Fetch Shop icon directly to the left of the camera icon at the bottom of your screen.
- Once in Fetch Shop, scroll to the “Food & Drink” category, click where it says, “See all,” then find the grocery retailer of your choice, and select that store.
- Tap “Go shopping!” and then simply grocery shop online as you would normally. And don’t forget to add those fruits and veggies to your cart to rack up even more points!
How to pick asparagus at the grocery store
Knowing how to pick asparagus at the grocery store is a skill you will want to learn, as it’s the difference between enjoying a juicy green javelin and getting (figuratively) stabbed in the back by a bad one.
So, how you can tell if asparagus is ripe comes down to your senses and gauging the texture, size and color. Here’s what to look for:
- Texture: The stalk should be firm, smooth and be able to stand upright. The tip should be compact (not frayed or soft).
- Size: There’s no exact science here, since asparagus comes in a variety of sizes, but look for a bundle with stalks that are uniform in shape and length.
- Color: Generally, asparagus should have stalks with a rich, green hue, which fade to a white color at the ends. The tips could be green and/or have a deep purple hue.
How to tell if asparagus is ripe
When asparagus is in season, you can tell they are ripe if they pass the above inspection. Avoiding asparagus that is faded or dull in color, or looking wilted or limp, will ensure you pick ripe ones.
How to store asparagus
Ideally, you would cook asparagus the day you buy them, as they don’t have a long lifespan in the fridge. That isn’t always a possibility though, especially if you grocery shop for one, and you don’t have children scarfing everything in sight.
The best way to store asparagus is to treat them like freshly cut flowers! Simply:
- Trim the bottoms, and stand them upright in a jar.
- Fill the jar with about an inch of water.
- Cover with a plastic bag, and store in the fridge.
How long does asparagus last in the fridge?
Giving asparagus the ol’ flower bouquet treatment will ensure they last up to four days in the fridge! If you see the water getting murky, be sure to change it out so your asparagus can go the distance. Another fridge tip if you can’t spare the space for a glass or jar: simply wrap in wet paper towels and place in a plastic bag.
Can dogs eat asparagus?
We can’t promise this will be the table food your dog wants, but we can answer whether or not dogs can eat asparagus. It is a vitamin-rich food that is technically safe for dogs to eat. The big “but”: asparagus stalks are extremely tough and fibrous in raw form, which could have negative effects on your pet’s digestion. It is recommended that you softly boil or steam asparagus before sharing with canine companions.
How to season and cook asparagus
While asparagus in its prime has a juicy, pleasantly-grassy flavor, there are ways to season and cook asparagus to enhance its goodness. For seasoning, salt and pepper remains reliable, and really allows natural flavors to shine. Other enhancements include:
- Fresh, minced garlic.
- Olive oil for flavor and to retain moisture.
- Lemon juice for a pop of citrus to pair with the mild, natural butteriness.
How to make asparagus in the oven
Knowing how to cook asparagus in the oven ensures you will always be less than 30 minutes from a healthy and sophisticated side dish. For oven preparation:
- Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
- In a mixing bowl, drizzle olive oil over asparagus, along with salt, pepper, garlic, and optional parmesan cheese. Toss to coat.
- Arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet, and bake for 12-15 minutes.
- Squeeze lemon juice over before serving.
How to make asparagus in a pan on the stove
Another way to cook asparagus is in a pan on the stove. Also referred to as “Italian style”, this asparagus cooking method comes together in under 20 minutes:
- Melt butter in your pan.
- Stir in oil, garlic and seasonings.
- Add asparagus to the pan, and cook until desired tenderness.
How to make asparagus in the air fryer
Without a doubt, cooking asparagus in the air fryer is the quickest and easiest way to enjoy them! In your air fryer basket preheated to 390 degrees:
- Coat your asparagus in olive oil and garlic salt.
- Place asparagus in the basket and cook for 3 minutes. Stalks with medium thickness can go to 5 minutes, and thick stalks can go to 7.
Make Fetch part of your grocery shopping routine
The Fetch fam is here to give you budget-friendly grocery tips and help you earn free gift cards for your routine shopping. Now that you know when asparagus is in season, you will be able to plan your grocery list ahead of time to get the freshest food and rack up the most reward points possible. Download the free app to start earning grocery rewards today!
Topics: Food and Drink, Shopping Lists

Tricia Kucinski is an author of literary fiction, and bops around the digital marketing sphere. She has written everything from the great Native American novel, to recipe blogs, under the discerning eye of her Sphynx cat, Peach.