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Treat Yourself

Spring Bucket List Ideas for a More Fun, Rewarding Season

By Tricia Kucinski

March 5, 2025

Whether you associate spring with defrosting, or simple pastel pleasures, ’tis the season for renewal. Reinvigorate your mood and routine by planning your spring activities ahead of time, so you can put together a solid bucket list for spring and get rewarded in the process using Fetch!

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Wondering “What the heck is a spring bucket list?’

A bucket list is any wish list of activities or accomplishments within a decided-upon time frame, and a spring bucket list gives you the opportunity to get your social calendar together ahead of the season, so you can make the most of the year’s most temperate weather. Spring invites some of the year’s most enjoyable activities, so be sure to plan your spring bucket list and add a few new activities while you’re at it!

Our favorite 15+ quintessential spring bucket list ideas

Adventure outdoors this spring

  • Hiking: Yes, the one activity we would all love to adopt as a personality trait. Find a local trail, or even plan a day trip further away for some scenic views and a good workout. Just make sure you don’t forget the snacks!
  • Biking: Rent a bike or dig yours out of the garage and hit a forest trail or city lakefront.
  • Garden or Waterfront: Lean into leisure by picking a local garden or waterfront for lounging. Bring a blanket and book for the ultimate outdoor lazy day.

Plan a creative project or two

  • Plant a Garden: Whether you have the yard and budget for a whole garden set-up, or you simply want an herb garden in your apartment window sill, usher in spring with more greenery.
  • Spring Cleaning (but fun!): Instead of spring cleaning as an obligation, why not make a project of improving your office or customizing your closet?
  • DIY Decor: Get crafty and DIY some new decor for your home or office. There are plenty of renter-friendly options if that seems like a barrier to your dream-space!

Enjoy seasonal fare

  • Seasonal Brunch: Enhance the experience by enjoying seasonal fare on a patio or rooftop.
  • Try a New Seasonal Recipe: Fetch has all the details on what produce is in season (give us all the strawberries and blueberries!), so take a gander and try a seasonal recipe.
  • Take Up Preserving: Canning, drying, and other methods of food preservation are really cool ways to extend the life of spring produce and enjoy it when you’re deep into winter dread.

Tap into wellness & relaxation routines

  • Outdoor Yoga: Nothing else will make you feel like you have your life together like being active in nature.
  • Local Farmers Market: Specialty cheeses and locally-sourced honey await you.
  • Local Botanical Garden: Most cities and townships have a garden, but swap for a local park if necessary.

Plan a family affair

  • Easter Egg Hunt: Get creative with the egg prizes, apart from the usual coins and candy. 
  • Flying Kites: A unique activity, this one will keep the fam occupied and be one of the more thrilling activities for the kiddoes.
  • Interact with the Outdoors: There are a number of ways to connect with nature and soak up spring as a family. Here’s a bonus list of activities to consider:
    • Painting rocks (Pro Tip: Use them in your garden or lawn as extra special decor.)
    • Feeding ducks at a local sanctioned pond or lake.
    • Build bird-feeders (houses for older kids or good old pine cones and peanut butter for littles)

Fetch's list of spring bucket list ideas

How Fetch can take your spring bucket list to the next level

The Fetch app is your fun little assistant created to enhance your shopping experience and put rewards back into your wallet. Here are a few easy ways you can use our free app to defray the costs of your spring bucket list activities:

Get rewarded on spring supplies with Fetch Shop

From gardening supplies to picnic party staples, using Fetch Shop will help you earn points-per-dollar rewards, which will net you free gift cards to use towards future purchases. Each participating store has items you can earn points on, and the Fetch app has promotions to maximize points as well.

Turn those seasonal recipes into more rewards

From beach days to trying that one complex recipe you saved many moons ago, Fetch offers will help you save on groceries and materials! You will also be able to find boosts on certain brands, and Fetch will serve up local offers as well. Be sure to browse the app for other deals on home improvement, crafts, or other goods needed for your bucket list activities.

Enjoy Fetch Play during those April showers

Fetch Play is another feature designed to help you earn reward points for free gift cards, which naturally fits into your train commute or “evening unwind,” but we encourage you to incorporate it into your downtime during spring, too. We have plenty of cozy and focus games like Words With Friends, Solitaire or Wordscapes you can play to wind down while earning.

Use Fetch gift cards to make your spring outings more affordable

The Fetch app is truly crafted to reward you all throughout your day, and those reward points are meant to be exchanged for free gift cards to pay for date nights out, purchasing athletic and outdoor gear, or buying tickets to local attractions. 

Tips for creating your own spring bucket list

It can be daunting to add more planning to your plate, but we have some really easy and actionable tips for creating your own spring bucket list 

  • Embrace the reflective and introspective aspect of bucket lists and think about what activities you want to try out.
  • Review your normal hobbies and think about whether you are getting to connect with them as much as you would like, or if there’s a new level you want to reach. Think: rock climbing in a state park vs. climbing gym.
  • Research local events and festivals to start firming up dates.
  • Crunch the numbers and see what your realistic budget is for the season.
  • Prioritize your list so you know what you really want to get out of the season vs what would be nice to do if time or money allowed.
  • Be realistic! Make a truly achievable and inspiring list so you can get the most out of your spring activities list.

Turn your favorite spring activities into rewards

Creating a bucket list of spring activities will ensure you get the seasonal experience you survived winter for, and that you don’t see the celebrations and fun come and go before you get to experience them. Downloading Fetch and folding it into your routine grocery runs, online shopping orders, and leisure time with game play will ensure you are maximizing reward points that will help offset costs of future spring fun!

Topics: family fun, offers, rewards


Tricia Kucinski

Tricia Kucinski is an author of literary fiction, and bops around the digital marketing sphere. She has written everything from the great Native American novel, to recipe blogs, under the discerning eye of her Sphynx cat, Peach.